Second Opinion

Αρχική » Second Opinion

There are times, when we deal with a difficult or “indistinctive” medical case, that it is essential to have a reliable “second medical opinion”. Diseases such as sarcoma, or even Crohn’s disease often require either reassessment of the case or a new treatment plan.

Dr. Kyriakou, in full cooperation with his patients, organizes and coordinates the whole procedure of the request of second medical opinion. For severe cases that require further investigation, we make ​​contact with a collaborating physician in major medical centers abroad, such as Johns Hopkins in Baltimore, USA and Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm, Sweden with which the doctor collaborates, to study and give a second medical opinion on the case.

The patient’s medical files are organized and translated responsibly by Dr. Kyriakou, along with a brief note for the cooperating hospital doctor abroad.

After the study of the medical case by the specialist, the file is sent back, along with the answer- proposal of the collaborating doctor. What follows is a thorough discussion with the patient for the next steps that need to be taken.

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