
Αρχική » Diseases » Hernia

Hernias of the abdominal wall is one of the most common problems that require the intervention of a surgeon.

A hernia is not restored by itself. It worsens in time, even to the point of emergency surgery. Hernia surgery is usually without any complications, solving once and for all the problems of pain suffering.

A hernia occurs when an organ or fatty tissue falls out of place or sticks out of its thin enclosing membrane creating a small lump.

The patient can actually touch the lump or even push it back inside. That is a “reversible” hernia or sliding hernia, ie to be able to restore the content into the abdomen. It appears when the person is standing and disappears when lying.
It can also be “irreversible“. A “non-reversible” hernia requires immediate surgery, because it can cause constriction or even necrosis of the content.
In the case of strangulated hernia, there may be severe pain, fever, bowel obstruction, vomiting, or, in very severe cases, even shock.

Types of Hernia

Inguinal Hernia

It is perhaps the most common type of hernia.
The most common symptoms are continuous presence or recurrent swelling with pain in the groin.

Sometimes hernia is completely with no symptoms and is diagnosed accidentally during a clinical examination by a doctor.
In other cases complications may occur, such as strangulated hernia mentioned above. The patient feels severe pain and sometimes fever. There is also the danger necrosis of the content in the suffering area.

Umbilical Hernia

The navel is a weak area of ​​the abdominal wall. The “umbilical ring”, which is normally almost closed is weak and the organs push through this wall and create a small hernia that is usually painless. It can be seen in both adults and babies.

Femoral Hernia

Another weak area of the body is located between the abdomen and our thigh, below the groin and appears like a swell at the base of the femur. This type is more common in women, usually of older age.

Postoperative Hernia

This type of hernia occurs in a former section of a surgery. The abdominal contents push forward the weak point of the intersection and appear as a lump. Postoperative hernia can occur months or even years after a surgery.

Restoration of Hernia

Hernia Surgery

Under general anesthesia a small incision is made in order to suture the weak point and amplify it by using tissue from the patient himself.

Surgical Mesh

It is the same procedure as the hernia surgery mentioned. The only difference is that we strengthen the abdominal wall by using synthetic mesh.
It minimizes the chances of relapse and the wall is better than the one of the patient.

Laparoscopic Surgery

Making only two small holes and using an optical system the doctor places the mesh from the inside of the abdominal wall.

The entire procedure is virtually painless, and the pain from the incision lasts three to four days and is easily treated with painkillers.

Surgery is the only indicated treatment of hernia. There is no other method that can “repair” the gap from which the hernia appears.

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